Friday, November 14, 2014


So the trending of negativity has continued. The reset I was hoping for didn't occur, so I'm just going to detach for a while I think. Focus on my training at work, try and enjoy my time with my friends.

I need to get back on my slightly more strict eating habits, since I got back I've slipped a little. I still have largely been avoiding red meat, but my soda addiction is back. It's not like I'm having 3-4 a day though, usually just one. I'd like it to be down to one a week.

With all the craziness going on I also haven't had much chance to write. Combine that with a new game basically coming out every week, and I feel like my time is stretched very thin. I'm already trying to figure out what I'm going to do for vacation next year. Maybe this time I'll go somewhere farther. I'd like to go to the UK but I generally like to visit people, and my only friend in the UK is moving here in....64 days? Who knows, maybe keep it simple and go on a generic vacation to somewhere tropical....

Training for the new position starts Monday, which is unfortunate because I have to start late due to a funeral. Obviously the Funeral is more important, it just feels like the only truly good thing happening around me is this promotion.