Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wake me up in Anarchy


So we had this big storyboard meeting where, supposedly we were supposed to be either told "Greenlit"(and start writing the actual script) or "another beat sheet". But apparently that was never the case, apparently, regardless of how good our beat sheet was, we'd have to write another beat sheet. I'm not pissed about the fact I have to do another draft (technically a third draft, but they're calling it a second). I'm pissed that so many of my peers, whose stories have been solid pretty much since day 1 are being told to make ideological changes. It's one thing to have more experience than us in the industry. But when a family drama turns into a gross out comedy and it's NOT my intention, thats a fucking negative change at their behest.

I love my teachers, I do, for the most part, but some of these notes are weird.

Anyways. We recorded a podcast last week, it was pretty fun. We spent 2 hours to get 1 hour of audio, which is pretty good considering this is the first one we've done in 3 years. It wasn't our best, but it also wasn't our worst. I'm not sure when the next one will be, but I will get to talk about Revolver Games a bit, which should be nice, even a smaller market (our listeners) would be a great boost in support.

Spring is here. It's a cold spring, but the sun heats up the apartment. With spring comes a desire to change things. Clean, get into better shape. I've cut pop out of my diet to start, we'll see what else I can manage. But with a portion of my free time spent constantly writing, my life is becoming increasingly sedentary (And I was already pretty sedentary). Need to find the drive to go to the gym in the morning, and need to convince myself when out to go either for the more healthy option or wait till I'm at home (but not like yesterday, where I was at the mall for 6 hours, and didn't eat all day).

Had a weird dream, I blame Legend of the Seeker. I just started watching it and had some weird dream where me and Allison were running from random monsters, that were summoned, but it was like being in an MMO, people were summoning it repeatedly to try and kill it, but it would target anyone, so everyone scattered. Weird.

Increasingly homesick...

All for now.
