Sunday, March 21, 2010

Build me a bridge, soaked in Gasoline.

LISTENING TO: Bloodhound Gang – Asleep at the Wheel
READING: Save the Cat
WATCHING: The Office (American)
EATING: Skittles
DRINKING: Grape Drank
FUCK YOU: Beat Sheets

I've spent the last few months getting lost in school work. It honestly doesn't feel like I've learned anything, but I'm able to do so much more than I was than when I started, it just feels natural. Right now I've got Writing for Animation, which, 2 classes in so far, is fucking awesome. On top of that, we have our TV Spec class, which I'll get to write an episode of a show of my choice. Leaning towards Sons of Anarchy. Supernatural is a close contender, but to be honest, with how serialized the show has become, I'd rather veer away from it, besides Sons of Anarchy is still relatively new.

School is a lot of fun, I've met some great people, and we have a great international collection. A good chunk are from the US, one chick from England, a dude from France and a guy from Portugal. I've bonded with the English chick. Everyone seems to get along and we have a lot of interaction with the classes ahead of us. I'm not so interested in movie writing, and will definitely be taking the TV stream.

I miss a lot of things from home. My friends mostly, one of the highlights of my weekends is playing Modern Warfare 2 with Malley. I love that Allison is out here with me, but she misses her friends too, I try not to talk to much about it, it just puts her in a mood. We watch lots of TV, just like when I live at home.

I think I may have to get a part time job to offset some of my unexpected expenses.

Will I stay on the west coast? I don't know. I love this city, I love the lack of snow. But it still feels very much like my life is back in Toronto.

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